Humanising your brand through Video Marketing 

Video marketing, as we all know is a marketing essential. But how can you break through the noise of social media video marketing. The answer is humanising your brand through video content. By integrating a humanistic approach and video marketing, brands are able to bridge the gap between that sense of disconnect between a business and its customers. 

How can you use videos:


  • Attention catching 
  • Engaging 
  • To the point 
  • Conveys a point easily

Use short-form video on platforms like Instagram (reels, stories feed), TikTok, Facebook videos, GIFs in emails or on social media.


  • Educates and informs 
  • Communicate more complex ideas
  • Start a discussion 
  • Gives audience a more in depth overview and understanding on certain topics and campaigns 

Use long-form videos on Instagram (IGTV), YouTube, Website Videos. 

Once you’ve decided what sort of video you require to effectively get your idea / message across to your target audience, it’s now about mapping out how you can humanise the video and strengthen the perceived know, liking and trust of your audience. This requires you to learn how to personalise your videos and provide entertainment for your audience, to stimulate Know, Like and Trust (KLT).


Give your brand a personality. Get people to get to know you – be fun, authentic and transparent. In order to humanise your brand, video plays an important role by showing off the faces that make up your brand and enhance your ability for people to get to know you and your brands core values, it the power of a face to the name.


Be real. People love to be able to relate to one another. Be honest and who you are and be relatable. Aim to educate your audience rather than selling and leverage off the video content by putting a face to the name of the brand, this stimulates human connection. This will engage your audience and stimulate a relationship building foundation between you brand and customers. 


Why should people invest in you or your product/service? Build trust. Share your qualifications, share your wins, share customer reviews and experiences. 

This helps to develop a community orientated environment where people are able to share their thoughts but also will assist stimulate a loyal following because consumers understand the brands purpose, intent and abilities. 

One thought on “Humanising your brand through Video Marketing 

  1. Hey Mia, great blog post, I think it is really interesting how some of the biggest companies in the world are engaging in video content in order to be more human. It definitely can be effective, especially when so many consumers these days create their brand perceptions based on social media activity. I have seen quite a few brands get involved in making tiktok videos in order to appeal to the humourous side of consumer.


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